
UMC Links

Computing at the speed of light

Utah engineers have developed an ultracompact beamsplitter — the smallest on record — for dividing light waves into two separate channels of information. The device brings researchers closer to producing silicon photonic chips that compute and shuttle data with light instead of electrons.

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New tool to save salmon: isotope tracking

May 15, 2015 – Salmon carry a strontium chemical signature in their “ear bones” that lets scientists identify specific streams where the fish hatched and lived before they were caught at sea. The new tool may help pinpoint critical habitats for fish threatened by climate change, industrial development and overfishing. “Using this method, we can […]

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Beyond Facebook: The Social Media Alternatives Project

May 14, 2015 – There’s more to social networking than Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram. That’s what Robert W. Gehl, assistant professor of communication at the University of Utah, is finding as he scours the Internet for what he calls “alternative social media” sites and services built as a critical response to corporate social […]

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Walking an extra two minutes each hour may offset hazards of sitting too long

A new study suggests that engaging in low intensity activities such as standing may not be enough to offset the health hazards of sitting for long periods of time. On the bright side, adding two minutes of walking each hour to your routine just might do the trick. These findings were published in the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (CJASN).

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Scientists see deeper Yellowstone magma

April 23, 2015 – University of Utah seismologists discovered and made images of a reservoir of hot, partly molten rock 12 to 28 miles beneath the Yellowstone supervolcano, and it is 4.4 times larger than the shallower, long-known magma chamber. The hot rock in the newly discovered, deeper magma reservoir would fill the 1,000-cubic-mile Grand […]

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