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U President Michael K. Young Appointed to East-West Center’s Board of Governors


U.S. Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice recently appointed University of Utah President Michael K. Young to the East-West Center’s (EWC) Board of Governors. One of four new members on the board, Young joins Lori Forman, Microsoft director of community affairs for Asia; Theodore B. Lee, president of the Urban Land Company in San Francisco and Las Vegas, and S. Linn Williams, executive vice president, general counsel and chief compliance officer of the Mirant Corporation in a three-year term on the board.

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The most energetic particles in the universe – ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays – likely come from supermassive black holes in the hearts of nearby active galaxies, says a study by scientists from nearly 90 research institutions worldwide, including the University of Utah.

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Icy Calculations on a Hot Topic


University of Utah mathematicians have arrived at a new understanding of how salt-saturated ocean water flows through sea ice – a discovery that promises to improve forecasts of how global warming will affect polar icepacks.

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Why Small Dogs are Small


Soon after humans began domesticating dogs 12,000 to 15,000 years ago, they started breeding small canines. Now, scientists from the University of Utah and seven other institutions have identified a piece of doggy DNA that reduces the activity of a growth gene, ensuring that small breeds stay small.

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Proteins Anchor Memories in Our Brain


A University of Utah study suggests that memories are held in our brains because certain proteins serve as anchors, holding other proteins in place to strengthen synapses, which are connections between nerve cells.

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University of Utah Announces New Director of University Neighborhood Partners


The University of Utah announced today that Rosemarie Hunter, Ph.D., LCSW, has been selected as Special Assistant to the President for Campus Community Partnerships. In that role she will serve as the new director of University Neighborhood Partners (UNP). She will replace Irene Fisher, who retires July 29. UNP, a department of the University, brings together the University and communities on the west side of Salt Lake City “for reciprocal learning, action, and benefit” to develop programs and partnerships that allow youth and their parents access to higher education.

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