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When the Unthinkable Happens


“Siblings can be our longest-lived relationships. During childhood, we closely share life space and by the time we are old, these are the people we will have known longest. For many of us, they are our closest genetic ties,” says Jan Hare, professor of family studies and gerontology at the University of Wisconsin-Stout and an expert in the areas of death, bereavement and health care ethics.

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Meet The Middle East Through Its Films

Film is the medium through which a culture creates itself. As the Middle East evolves its silver-screen identity, the University of Utah Middle East Center and the Utah Museum of Fine Arts, in collaboration with the Salt Lake City Film Center attempt to bring that identity to Americans by sponsoring a series of films from the region. The Middle East through its Films-2008 will be shown at the Utah Museum of Fine Arts, every other Wednesday, 6-9 p.m. beginning January 30.

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The third cohort of kindergartners from Jackson Elementary in the Adelante program made their first visit to the University of Utah on Thursday, Oct. 4, 2007. Forty-seven kindergartners from Jackson Elementary’s dual language immersion program are scheduled to receive a welcome from Mike Hardman, Dean of the College of Education, and then visit the Marriott Library & fountain and tour Rice-Eccles Stadium between 9:50am and 11:30 am.

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Commencement ceremonies at the University of Utah will be held on Friday, May 4, at 9 a.m. in the Jon M. Huntsman Center. The class of 2007, comprised of 7,166 graduates, will receive degrees that morning. The procession of diverse students, who come from 75 countries, 48 U.S. states and 27 of Utah’s 29 counties, will begin at 8:30 a.m. Guests should plan to be in their seats prior to 8:30 a.m. Tickets are not required.

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Top White House Economic Advisor Gives U an Insider’s View

Few economists can claim to have the ear of the President. Dr. Edward P. Lazear, chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors, does, and will share his insights at the University of Utah (the U) in a lecture titled “The Transformed United States Economy.” The talk will take place on Monday, March 5 from 9:40 to 10:30 a.m. at the Utah Museum of Fine Arts Dumke auditorium. The event is free and open to the public.

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U. Business School Professor Contributes to Study on Political Campaign Donations


In anticipation to elections on Tuesday, a recent study by David Eccles School of Business finance professor, Michael Cooper, along with two other professors from University of Michigan and Virginia Polytechnic, shows companies giving to political campaigns see positive returns for their contributions. The study findings were summarized in a New York Times article on Sunday, November 5th.

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U Named Among 100 Best Campuses for LGBT students


The Advocate College Guide for LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) Students has announced its list of 100 best campuses for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender students. The University of Utah (the U) joins Cornell, University of Arizona, University of Oregon, MIT, Ohio State, UC Boulder, Colorado State, Northwestern and Princeton on that list.

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