
UMC Links

U of U Joint Venture Designed to Make Utah Home of Clean Carbon Energy


The Utah Science Technology and Research Initiative (USTAR) is paying off in a big way for Utah. The University of Utah (the U of U) and Headwaters Incorporated (NYSE: HW) have entered into a joint venture to offer carbon management services to CO2-emitting companies, from carbon storage engineering to risk and liability management. While global concerns about the effects of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are reaching a tipping point, many experts believe CO2 storage is one of the best ways to significantly decrease CO2 emissions without adversely impacting our standard of living.

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Businesses and Private Donors In-Step with Band’s Inauguration Trip


It’s looking more likely with every passing day that the Marching Utes will be playing “Utah Man” at President-elect Barack Obama’s inauguration parade in the nation’s capital on January 20th thanks to generous donors. The Ute musicians were invited to participate and, due to the economic slowdown, must rely entirely on private donations to make the trip. The journey will cost the band about $150,000.  Just over $85,000 in gifts and pledges have been received so far.

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What will universities look like 20 years from now? How will they educate students for critical roles in a world with increasingly porous borders? What impact will their research have on critical challenges facing the world? How will they respond to dramatic demographic shifts in population and complex ways students acquire and process information? How will higher education respond to decreasing levels of public support and increasing demands for its services? Will universities remain relevant in an environment in which information is so freely available and easily transmitted?

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Toward Plastic Spin Transistors


University of Utah physicists successfully controlled an electrical current using the “spin” within electrons – a step toward building an organic “spin transistor”: a plastic semiconductor switch for future ultrafast computers and electronics.

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The Photonic Beetle


Researchers have been unable to build an ideal “photonic crystal” to manipulate visible light, impeding the dream of ultrafast optical computers. But now, University of Utah chemists have discovered that nature already has designed photonic crystals with the ideal, diamond-like structure: They are found in the shimmering, iridescent green scales of a beetle from Brazil.

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Tax-free Textbooks Celebrated at Student-led Press Conference


Student representatives from Utah colleges and universities will convene on Capitol Hill Wednesday, Mar. 12 at noon for a press conference celebrating recent approval of a state-wide tax-exemption on textbooks for institutions of higher education. The press conference will focus on the accomplishments of the Coalition of Higher Education for Affordable Textbooks.

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Help for Patients with Multiple Myeloma


Patients diagnosed with multiple myeloma, an often deadly bone marrow cancer, rarely live more than three years after diagnosis if treated with conventional chemotherapy or even some of the newer drug therapies. However, a new program at Huntsman Cancer Institute (HCI) at the University of Utah is now providing another treatment option that offers hope to multiple myeloma patients-a chance to live 10 or more years following diagnosis.

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University Neighborhood Partners (UNP) will celebrate its fifth anniversary on Thursday, November 1, 2007 with a dinner for founding donors and current partners at Red Butte Garden. Vice President for University Relations and UNP Board of Advisors co-chair Fred Esplin will welcome the 150 guests as Master of Ceremonies for the evening. UNP founding director Irene Fisher will announce the creation of the UNP Pathfinder Scholarship Fund, which is slated to provide tuition and fee assistance to west Salt Lake youth and adults pursuing pre-college exposure to higher education through classes, field trips, institutes and other educational programs beginning in 2008.

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