
UMC Links

Seeking New Earths? Look For Dust


If alien astronomers around a distant star had studied the young Sun four-and-a-half billion years ago, could they have seen signs of a newly-formed Earth orbiting this innocuous yellow star? The answer is yes, according to Scott Kenyon (Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory) and Benjamin Bromley (University of Utah). Moreover, their computer model says that we can use the same signs to locate places where Earth-size planets currently are forming — young worlds that, one day, may host life of their own.

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Why We Lack Spare Ribs


University of Utah researchers have identified genes that help explain why mice, people and other mammals evolved with modern rib cages instead of having snake-like ribs that extend from the neck to the tailbone.

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U Students Postpone School and Graduation to Serve in War


Twenty-three-year-old Eric Alder enrolled in winter semester at the University of Utah and was planning to graduate in economics this Friday, May 2. He was in the process of filling out the forms for his commencement cap and gown when his U.S. Marine Corps reserve unit-“Charlie Company”-was called up in March to assist with the war effort in Iraq. Instead of donning graduation robes this week, he is fulfilling various assignments in Iraq while enduring 110-degree heat.

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A New Home for Hartland


For every square foot of space it inhabits, University Neighborhood Partners (UNP)/Hartland Partnership Center has helped an equal number of new arrivals in Salt Lake City adjust to life in a complex new culture. The on-site facility, located in a 300-unit apartment complex on Salt Lake City’s west side, has outgrown its current space that totals 1,900 sq. ft. between two apartments on 1700 South and Redwood Road and will expand into a new building offering 10,000 sq. ft. of space, thanks to a generous lead gift of $300 K from Goldman Sachs.

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Ironing Out Inflammation


In a surprising discovery that someday may lead to new treatments for many inflammatory diseases, University of Utah scientists found that a hormone involved in iron metabolism can save mice from deadly acute inflammation.

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Few Drive Well While Yakking on Phone


A new study from University of Utah psychologists found a small group of people with an extraordinary ability to multitask: Unlike 97.5 percent of those studied, they can safely drive while chatting on a cell phone.

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Nobel to Former U Biochemist


Venkatraman “Venki” Ramakrishnan – one of three winners of the 2009 Nobel Prize in Chemistry – worked at the University of Utah during 1995-1999, and on Wednesday acknowledged the U’s role in his award during media interviews and in e-mails to former colleagues in Utah.

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Life-saving Companies are Among 23 Started This Year Through U of U Research


The 2009 fiscal year-end results for the generation of new businesses prove what many economists have long claimed, that the University of Utah (the U of U) is an economic engine for the state of Utah. Twenty-three companies were created from technologies developed at the university within the last fiscal year. These companies, which include the first startup company for the state’s Utah Science Technology and Research initiative (USTAR), not only help move research forward through the licensing revenue they bring in, but they also provide jobs for the people of Utah and help strengthen the economy in the state.

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