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Harry S Truman Scholarship Awarded to U of U student


Secretary Madeleine K. Albright, president of the Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation, announced University of Utah’s Cody Scott Rogers as one of 54 students selected from more than 3,500 student applicants from 283 U.S. colleges and universities as a 2010 Truman Scholar.

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Radio Waves ‘See’ through Walls


University of Utah engineers showed that a wireless network of radio transmitters can track people moving behind solid walls. The system could help police, firefighters and others nab intruders, and rescue hostages, fire victims and elderly people who fall in their homes. It also might help retail marketing and border control.

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Earth Day Brings Groundbreaking for $130 Million USTAR Interdisciplinary Research Facility at University of Utah


The University of Utah (UofU) and the USTAR Governing Authority today marked Earth Day at the groundbreaking for a $130 million sustainably designed interdisciplinary research facility, the first of four planned buildings on the university’s campus aimed at attracting some of the world’s most internationally recognized faculty and fueling Utah’s economic development activity.

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No ‘Death NET’? That May Explain Why Millions of Infants are at Risk for Potentially Deadly Blood Infection


When locked in mortal combat with infection, some mature white blood cells have a formidable weapon: they literally cast a DNA net-called a neutrophil extracellular trap (NET)-that captures and kills bacteria that invade the human body. But the ability to form this “death” NET is missing in the white blood cells of newborn infants, born either at term or prematurely, and that may explain why millions of newborns worldwide are at higher risk for a potentially deadly blood infection, University of Utah medical researchers have discovered.

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A Card-Swipe for Medical Tests


University of Utah scientists successfully created a sensitive prototype device that could test for dozens or even hundreds of diseases simultaneously by acting like a credit card-swipe machine to scan a card loaded with microscopic blood, saliva or urine samples.

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U’s Youth Summer School Is Cool


Ask any group of four to 18 year-olds how they anticipate spending their summer vacation and “go to school” will likely not make the top ten responses. Rock climbing, rafting, bicycling, photography, swimming…these are the favorite picks for summer. Interestingly however, it is in school that youth are perfecting these activities, through the University of Utah’s Youth Education summer camp programs.

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