January 19, 2011 — More than two dozen University of Utah undergraduate students will join counterparts from Utah State University in presenting “Research Posters on the Hill: A Celebration of Undergraduate Research” to Utah State Legislators on Tuesday, January 24, 2012 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., in the rotunda of the State Capitol.
The event, now in its twelfth year, gives lawmakers the opportunity to see the high-caliber research projects coming from undergraduate students at the state’s two public research institutions, in addition to the continued necessity for funding from the state of Utah to support higher education.
Students’ visual representations will present overviews of individual research in disciplines ranging from oncology to bioengineering, astronomy to chemistry, to family and consumer studies.
“Research continues its rapid growth as an essential part of undergraduate education,” says A. Lorris Betz, interim president of the University of Utah. “Research or creative activities provide not only a hands-on dimension to the learning that goes on in the classroom, but are a critical factor in student success in the marketplace beyond the university. Through research, undergraduates engage in the essential character of the University of Utah as a research intensive university.”
Students selected to participate represent a diverse range of research topics. A sampling of this year’s subjects include research on earthquake geology in the Neff’s Canyon area, using snail venom to look for drugs to cure neurodegenerative diseases, particle dynamics in the galaxy’s gravitational potential, glass fiber reinforced polymer bars in pre-cast bridge deck panels, using participatory video to facilitate communication among children on the autism spectrum. In addition, a project undertaken by high school student Anthony Oyler and U of U faculty sponsor Valeria Molinero of the Department of Chemistry explores the structure of water molecules resulting in a water nanodroplet skating on ice.
For more information, contact Andrea Haag at 801-581-3811 or by email at a.haag@ugs.utah.edu.