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U of U’s Summer Research Opportunity Program Offers Much More Than Research

This week 23-year-old Lupe Figueroa, a senior in Spanish and Human Communications at California State University Monterey Bay (CSUMB), will finish up eight weeks of graduate school-level research at the University of Utah. She is one of 23 students completing this year’s Summer Research Opportunity Program (SROP), sponsored campus-wide by the U’s Graduate School.

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Did Early Humans Mate with the Locals?


A new analysis of human genetic history deals a blow to the theory that early people moved out of Africa and completely replaced local populations elsewhere in the world. The findings suggest there was at least limited interbreeding between our African ancestors and the residents of areas where they settled.

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Wayne Samuelson to Become SOM Admissions Dean Next Summer


Wayne M. Samuelson, M.D., has been named associate dean for admissions at the University of Utah School of Medicine, effective July 1, 2003. Samuelson, associate professor of internal medicine, will oversee all aspects of the admissions process for accepting new medical students. Currently the medical school admits 100 students each year. It received more than 1,100 applications for classes beginning in the fall of 2002.

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