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Eccles Health Sciences Library Awarded $13.2 Million

The University of Utah Spencer S Eccles Health Sciences Library has received two contracts worth $13.2 million from the National Library of Medicine (NLM). The first $3.7 million contract will make the library home to the country’s only NLM Training Center for the next five years. The second award, worth $9.5 million, renews the library’s five-year contract with the NLM to serve as the country’s MidContinental Regional Medical Library (MCRML).

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University of Utah Research Leads to Commercialization of “Smart Feeding Tube”

Feeding tubes are not as harmless as they seem. Every year in the U.S. over 40,000 feeding tubes are mistakenly placed into a patient’s lungs, which results in an estimated 6,000 deaths. But a University of Utah startup company, Veritract Inc., hopes to end these risks by making the placement of feeding tubes much safer and faster.

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Will We Hear the Light?


University of Utah scientists used invisible infrared light to make rat heart cells contract and toadfish inner-ear cells send signals to the brain. The discovery someday might improve cochlear implants for deafness and lead to devices to restore vision, maintain balance and treat movement disorders like Parkinson’s.

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Bitter Taste in Your Mouth?


The ability to discern bitter tastes-from acrid nicotine smoke to sauerkraut-can be traced to a gene discovered by researchers at the University of Utah, National Institutes of Health (NIH), and Stanford University.

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