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University of Utah Celebrates International Week


The International Center at the University of Utah will host the 2006 International Week celebration Monday, February 27, through Friday, March 3. University President, Michael K. Young, will kick off the week long festivities on Monday at noon in the Union building dining area by announcing the names of fifteen study abroad scholarship winners. Immediately following Young’s remarks the African Student Association will present “Africa Day” featuring African inspired performances and food. International Week events highlight international students at the University as well as international opportunities for University of Utah students, staff and faculty.

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The New Faraday Chemistry Lectures


The University of Utah’s wildly popular Faraday Chemistry Christmas lecture series began in 1980 and has been presented every year during the holiday season. This year, the lectures will feature new faces: chemistry department Chair Peter B. Armentrout and Professor Chuck Wight. Dressed like 19th century chemists in tuxedos and top hats, they will introduce a dynamic new series of experiments and demonstrations that will educate and entertain audiences of all ages.

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First Cohort of Community-Based Latino Students to Graduate from University’s English Language Institute


Many immigrants come to Utah with knowledge and strong job skills, but lack fluency in the English language. Not speaking and writing the language well severely limits opportunities for employment and educational advancement. That is why the University of Utah’s English Language Institute (ELI), within the U’s division of Continuing Education, and Zions Bank teamed up earlier this year to offer community-based English as a Second Language (ESL) instruction for graduates of local public school ESL programs who desired advanced training.

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Did Our Sun Capture Alien Worlds?


Computer simulations show a close encounter with a passing star about 4 billion years ago may have given our solar system its abrupt edge and put small, alien worlds into distant orbits around our sun.

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Virtuoso Series at Libby Gardner Concert Hall


Subscription tickets are now on sale for the 5th Season of the Virtuoso Series at Libby Gardner Concert Hall. Single tickets will go on sale September 15. The opening concert on September 16 brings to the Libby Gardner stage world-acclaimed violinist Anne Akiko Meyers. Ms. Meyers. renowned for her impassioned music making and technical brilliance, Ms. Meyers performs worldwide as soloist and classical recording artist.

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Eleven Chicano Scholars to be Honored at the U of U on May 14


In 1977, third-year University of Utah law student Andrew A. Valdez was married, had a child and was working full-time-the graveyard shift at the Salt Lake County Jail-to make ends meet. Although he had taken out student loans, he didn’t have enough money to pay tuition for his last semester of law school. That spring Valdez, a student activist, received a University Chicano Scholarship Award-about $500 at the time, which allowed him to finish law school and “put money down on the Bar exam.” Valdez is now a Third District Juvenile Court Judge.

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Third District Judge Reaffirms U’s No Guns on Campus Policy


In a ruling issued today in the Third District Court, Judge Robert K. Hilder, reaffirmed the University of Utah’s policy which bans concealed weapons on its campus. Hilder determined that the University is and has always acted within the law by maintaining policies that prohibit students, faculty and staff from bringing weapons onto campus. The University has maintained this decades-long practice to ensure a safe learning environment and to nurture an environment that encourages the free exchange of ideas. The judge further stated that the Utah laws at issue do not interfere with the U’s internal policies regarding student and employee conduct.

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U of U Genetics Web Site Ranks in Top 50


An Internet web site operated by the University of Utah’s Genetic Science Learning Center has been honored by Scientific American magazine online as one of the top 50 science and technology web sites, and as one of the top five biology web sites.

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