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U’s Law School Fair Attracts Record Number of Law Schools

October 11, 2002 — The annual Law School Fair will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 16, from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m., in the University of Utah’s Union Ballroom. A record number of 100 law schools from throughout the U.S. will be at information tables to answer questions and acquaint students with their programs. In addition to the two local Utah law schools, top schools such as Berkeley, Harvard, Yale, Duke and Chicago will be represented. The fair is free and open to all area college pre-law students.

Law school applicant numbers across the nation are rising again after a six-year decline, and law schools are expecting a dramatic increase in the number of applicants for next fall’s entering class. “The Fair is an excellent opportunity for pre-law students to learn about the variety of law schools available and get advice about choosing the right school for them,” notes Marilyn Hoffman, Coordinator for Preprofessional Advising at the University.

The Law School Fair is sponsored by the University of Utah’s College Advising Center and the Western Association of Prelaw Advisors.