August 26, 2002 — As the school year opens, on-campus organizations blitz the student body with information, contests and free food at the University of Utah. The U’s student government, the Associated Students of the University of Utah (ASUU), is no exception.
On Wednesday, August 28, ASUU will hold an open house showcasing its new Tutoring Center at 10:30 a.m., beginning with speeches from U President Bernie Machen and Vice President for Student Affairs Barb Snyder. The open house will be held just east of the Student Services Building (201 S. 1460 E.).
In a year of budget shortfalls and other financial constraints, ASUU’s funding of tutoring services remains untouched. ASUU recognizes the importance of subsidizing tutoring and helping students get the most out of their education.
U Tutoring Quick Facts:
–The ASUU Tutoring Center on campus provides high-quality educational assistance and teaching experience for students. All tutors are students, which makes the tutoring experience educational for both teaching and learning.
–ASUU subsidizes about half of the cost of tutoring. A one-on-one tutoring session costs a student $6 per hour, and group tutoring costs $3 per person. Undergraduate students earn $7 per hour and graduate students earn $7.50.
–In the 2001-2002 school year, U tutors dedicated 4,000 hours to 700 students.
–More information about tutoring is available at www.saff.utah.edu/tutoring, or by calling 581-5153; or by visiting the ASUU Tutoring Center office, room 330 in the Student Services Building.