February 19, 2013— The University of Utah has appointed Robert W. Adler, James I. Farr Chair and professor of law, as interim dean for the S.J Quinney College of Law effective July 1, 2013, contingent upon the approval of the Board of Trustees.
“I look forward to working closely with Professor Adler and Dean Chodosh over the next few months to assure a smooth transition in college leadership and initiate discussions on the formal search for a permanent dean,” said Michael L. Hardman, interim vice president for academic affairs.
Adler has a distinguished record as a college and university leader while enjoying the widespread respect of colleagues and students as a scholar and teacher. In addition to his appointment in the College of Law, Adler is also an adjunct professor in the Department of Pediatrics in the College of Medicine, where he is collaborating on studies of children’s environmental health issues.
Adler has written and spoken widely on the subjects of environmental and water law and policy, with a focus on water pollution and aquatic ecosystem restoration and protection.
His books include “Modern Water Law: Private Property, Public Rights and Environmental Protection” (Foundation Press, forthcoming 2013, with Craig and Hall); “Restoring Colorado River Ecosystems: A Troubled Sense of Immensity” (2007); “Environmental Law: A Conceptual and Pragmatic Approach” (with Driesen, 2007 and Driesen and Engel, second edition 201 1); and “The Clean Water Act: Twenty Years Later” (with Landman and Cameron, 1993).
Adler has been invited to appear before congressional committees and other forums to discuss clean water policy and has represented members of Congress and former EPA managers in amicus briefs before the U.S. Supreme Court and other courts.
He has also represented Utah and national environmental groups in pro bono litigation and has served on the boards of a number of local and national organizations and advisory groups, including FRIENDS of Great Salt Lake, Hawkwatch International, EPA’s Federal Advisory Committee on TMDLs, and a Taskforce on Unfunded Federal Mandates for the U.S. Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations.
For his work, Adler has received an Outstanding Service Award from the Utah Chapter of the American Water Resources Association; the Pfeiferhorn Conservation Leadership Award; teaching, scholarship and service awards from the College of Law; a National Performance “Hammer” Award from Vice President Al Gore; and the President’s Award from America’s Clean Water Foundation.
For a video regarding this announcement, please visit: http://www.ulaw.tv/videos/robert-adler-interim-dean-announcement/0_4dsf5yxm