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Johnson and White, “All Aboard” Party Candidates, Win ASUU Elections

March 14, 2003 — “All Aboard” Party presidential and vice presidential candidates Adrian Johnson and Anthony White are the winners of the Associated Students of the University of Utah (ASUU) final elections. Johnson and White beat Summit Party candidates Jake Werrett and Rob Wood by 239 votes. (Johnson and White received 1,822 votes. Werrett and Wood received 1,583 votes.) The announcement was made in the Union’s Crimson Underground during half time of the Runnin’ Ute’s Mountain West Conference tournament.

“Everything that we do now and everything that we will do while in office will have one sole purpose-to better the lives of all students,” Johnson said, adding that student involvement will be a primary focus of their administration. “It is vital that we at ASUU unite the campus.”

The new senior class president is Beth Brown, who was elected on the Summit Party platform. This is the first time in at least five years voters crossed parties to elect the senior class president.

According to Marshall McDonald, ASUU elections registrar, about 3,600 students-or about 15 percent of the student body-voted in the final elections, held on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. “Eight hundred more students voted this year than last, which is a positive change,” notes McDonald.

McDonald reports that 99 percent of the students voted online via student identification numbers. The U’s Administrative Computing Services oversaw online voting and the computer ballots. Hard copy ballots, available in the ASUU offices, were used for voting by the other one percent.

Sixteen senators and 48 assembly members, from the “All Aboard,” Summit and Progression Parties, were elected as well. For a listing of the winners, go to