August 13, 2002 — Utah Governor Michael Leavitt will deliver the keynote address this Thursday, Aug. 15, at the 2002 Intergovernmental Summit. Sponsored by the University of Utah’s Center for Public Policy and Administration (CPPA), the Utah Advisory Council on Intergovernmental Relations and the Governor’s Office of Planning and Budget, the half-day 2002 Intergovernmental Summit is titled “Capitalizing on the Olympic Games: Day 193 of the 1,000 Day Plan. Where are We?”
The Summit will focus on efforts to leverage Utah’s successful Olympic experience to promote economic development and tourism in Utah. “The Olympics were a very exciting time for all of us,” notes David Patton, CPPA director. “The summit is a wonderful opportunity to promote discussion on the long-term impact of the Olympics on our state.”
The summit will begin at 8:15 a.m. and will be held at the Wyndham Hotel, located at 215 West South Temple Street, in downtown Salt Lake City. The event, which costs $40, is open to the public. Participants can pre-register by calling 801-581-6491.
Governor Leavitt will also award the first annual Governor’s Award for Intergovernmental Cooperation, co-sponsored by the Utah Advisory Council on Intergovernmental Relations (UACIR) and the Utah Quality Growth Commission.
Following the Governors remarks, David Winder, the Governor’s Special Assistant for Post-Olympic Projects, will moderate two panels discussing efforts to capitalize on the Olympics for economic development and tourism promotion.
Raymond Grant, SLOC Director of the Cultural Olympiad will deliver the closing address at lunch. He will focus on the role culture plays in economic development efforts.
For more information, contact the Center for Public Policy and Administration at (801) 538-1696. Registration forms are available online at