September 19, 2002 — The establishment of a new student fan club at the University of Utah should mean big crowds for next week’s homecoming events. Hundreds of students are expected to attend the annual pep rally and bonfire. The weeklong festivities get underway Monday and culminate Saturday when Utah plays Air force at 1 p.m. at Rice-Eccles Stadium.
The main event leading up to the game will once again be the student bonfire and pep rally, scheduled for Thursday, September 26th at 8 p.m. The bonfire changes locations this year and moves to the U golf course adjacent to the Pro Shop.
Events are scheduled each day leading up to the big game on Saturday. The Young Alumni 5K Run / Walk will take place the day of the big game. Registration starts at 7 a.m. and the race begins at 8 a.m. Following that is the annual pre-game barbeque, located at the south entrance to Rice-Eccles Stadium. Tickets are $15 per person and can be purchased at the door.
Homecoming, “United in 2002”
Program of Events
Mon., Sept. 23:
— Greek House Decorating Contest
— College of Fine Arts Alumni Art Show, opening reception, Gittins Gallery, 5-7 p.m.
Tues., Sept. 24:
— Songfest, Presentation of Homecoming Royalty and Marshals, and Video Pep Rally, Kingsbury Hall, 6 p.m. No charge.
Wed., Sept. 25:
— Emeritus Reunion / Tour of Fort Douglas; Reception, Dinner and Program, University Park Hotel 4 p.m. registration, 7 p.m. dinner (10 people per table) $50 per person
Thurs., Sept. 26:
— Bonfire / Pep Rally, Golf course, adjacent to Pro Shop, 8 p.m.
— Beehive Honor Society Reunion
Fri., Sept. 27:
— Student Homecoming Dance, State Capitol, 8 p.m.
— 40-Year Reunion (Class of 1962), Hilton Hotel
Sat., Sept. 28:
— Young Alumni Association 5K Run / Walk, Alumni House, Registration: 7 a.m. Race: 8 a.m.
— Pre-Game Barbecue, 11 a.m. south entrance, Rice-Eccles Stadium.
— Football Game: Utes vs. Air Force, 1 p.m.
For information on Homecoming events, call the Alumni Association at 801-581-6995,
or visit the Association’s Web site: