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White Coat Ceremony: U of U to Welcome Medical School Class of 2013

On Friday, the Class of 2013 will gather for a longstanding tradition in which faculty members – and future colleagues – welcome first-year medical students to the ranks of patient-care professionals. This is the first time the Class of 2013 will slip on the white coat, a symbol of compassionate care and expert professionalism. These students will also vow to practice ethical medicine throughout their education and careers by reciting the Hippocratic Oath for the first time.

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Sorenson Legacy Foundation Gives University of Utah $15 Million

The University of Utah has announced that the Sorenson Legacy Foundation has made the lead donation of $15 million to begin constructing a sophisticated 193,000-sq. ft. biomedical and neurosciences building designed to help create and develop the next wave of health sciences technology. Named the James L. Sorenson Molecular Biotechnology Building in honor of Utah’s world-renowned medical device inventor and entrepreneur, the facility will become the heart of the state’s $500 million Utah Science Technology and Research Initiative (USTAR), and will anchor the university’s new “Interdisciplinary Quadrangle” on 11 acres bridging upper and lower campus. The announcement came Saturday, Oct. 25, 2008 during the university’s “Together We Reach” fund-raising campaign gala.

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Scientists Reverse Evolution


University of Utah scientists have shown how evolution works by reversing the process, reconstructing a 530-million-year-old gene by combining key portions of two modern mouse genes that descended from the archaic gene.

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U Campus Becomes More Environmentally Friendly


Recent moves to reduce pollutants and save energy are making The University of Utah more environmentally friendly. The most dramatic and immediate improvement is the cessation of using coal as a way to provide emergency electricity to its many buildings and operations.

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Lectures on New Diseases, Biodefense


The University of Utah is launching a series of monthly lectures dealing with emerging infectious diseases – SARS, new flu strains, hantavirus and others – and our defenses against those diseases and bioterrorism.

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Utah Museum of Natural History to Host “Memory” Exhibit and Lecture Series

Have you ever walked into a room and forgotten why you went in there? Do you forget the names of people you just met? Do you get to work and realize you forgot your lunch? Have you wondered why is it you can recall every note of the piano piece you learned when you were five, but can’t remember where you parked your car 30 minutes ago?

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