March 3, 2010 – Women’s health is the focus of this year’s Women’s Week celebration at the University of Utah with the theme, “The Full Scope: Magnifying Women’s Health.” The celebration takes place March 10-16. All events are free and open to the public.
Shelia L. Thorne, President and CEO of Multicultural Healthcare Marketing Group, LLC and associate clinical professor, Stony Brook University School of Social Welfare, will offer this year’s keynote address, “Celebrating the Color and Gender of Health,” at noon on Thursday, March 11 in the University of Utah Olpin Union Ballroom.
Thorne has spent more than two decades designing and implementing health educational campaigns for communities of color and cultural competency training programs for the healthcare professionals who treat them. Dedicated to the elimination of racial and ethnic health disparities, she has facilitated numerous forums on disease management and health policy for local, state and federal health agencies.
“Because of her dedication to the elimination of racial and ethnic health disparities, Shelia Thorne is a perfect choice as the keynote speaker for Women’s Week 2010,” says Jennifer Williams Molock, assistant vice president for student equity and diversity and co-chair of the Women’s Week committee. “Her presentation will empower and encourage women seeking healing and recovery to take charge, control and ownership of their health.”
“This year’s Women’s Week celebration is particularly relevant given the challenges our nation faces with health care coverage and disparities,” says Octavio Villalpando, associate vice president, Office for Equity and Diversity at the University of Utah. “The university is fortunate to bring together campus and community partners each year to not only honor and celebrate the accomplishments made by women, but also to examine critical issues that have an impact on people everywhere, from all backgrounds and walks of life.”
Debra Daniels, director of the Women’s Resource Center at the University of Utah, has been named as the recipient of the 2010 Linda K. Amos Award for Distinguished Service to Women. The award recognizes a female staff or faculty member who has selflessly given time and energy to improve the educational and/or working environment for women at the university.
“Debra Daniels is truly a courageous advocate not only for women, but all students, staff and faculty,” states one nomination letter. “She is fearless in her sense of social justice and speaks truth to power with a level of integrity and sophistication that it is impossible for those in positions of power and privilege to not reflect on the economic and cultural structure that has allowed them to hold those positions.”
The 2010 Women’s Week celebration will include the following:
- Mothers of a Nation Photo Exhibit, March 10-31, opening reception Wednesday, March 10, 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., Olpin Union Art Gallery
Photo exhibit featuring Ugandan women living with HIV who have united to empower themselves through sustainable farming methods.
- The Edie Kochenour Memorial Lecture – Women Leaders at the University of Utah: Challenges and Choices, Friday, March 12, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Five women leaders at the University of Utah discuss their unique experience working in senior higher education positions. Registration required at http://libtools.library.utah.edu/mlib_events/pcsw/
- In the Mirror: Monologues on the Beauty Myth, Friday, March 12, 7 p.m., Olpin Union Crimson View
An evening of artistic performances expressing different forms of beauty that challenge the stereotypical myth that beauty is defined by one race, one size or one culture.
- Young Women’s Health Career Conference, Saturday, March 13, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., registration 9:30, Olpin Union Ballroom
Young Women grades 6 to 12 explore careers in the health sciences. Learn, discover and meet individuals with rewarding careers in the expanding world of health science. The event is free. Lunch is provided. Advance registration at www.diversity.utah.edu/events/womensweek/2010.
- Exploring the 7 Domains of Women’s Health (panel/workshop), Saturday, March 13, 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Olpin Union Ballroom.
The Center of Excellence in Women’s Health offers a panel and workshop exploring health issues particular to youth, midlife and aging for women.
The Amos award is sponsored by the Office for Equity and Diversity, the Presidential Commission on the Status of Women and the Women’s Week committee. Linda K. Amos, for whom the award was named, was the founding chair of the Presidential Commission on the Status of Women, a professor of Nursing, and served as dean for the College of Nursing and associate vice president for Health Sciences.
Women’s Week sponsors at the University of Utah include the Office for Equity and Diversity, the Women’s Resource Center, the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs, University Marketing & Communications, ASUU Presenters Office, Center of Excellence in Women’s Health and Chartwells.
For more information about Women’s Week visit www.diversity.utah.edu/events/womensweek/2010 or call 801-581-4250.