Aug. 20, 2014 – The University of Utah Alumni Association is welcoming eight new members of its Board of Directors, as well as a new board president and vice president, and new presidents of four of its five affiliate boards.
The new president of the Alumni Association’s Board of Directors is Julie Barrett B.A. ‘70, who has had a distinguished career in education and development. Barrett retired in June as associate head of school for Rowland Hall School after nearly 30 years. During that time she received a Certified Fund Raiser Executive designation and was named the Utah Fund Raiser of the year in 1994. She has also served on the CASE Commission for Philanthropy and the CASE District VII board. While on the Alumni Association Board she has served as chair of the Awards and Scholarships Committee and as a member of the Community Service and Board Development committees.
The board’s new vice president is Scott Verhaaren B.A. ‘90 MBA ‘91. Verhaaren has been on the board for two years, serving as a member of the association’s Legislative Relations, Awards and Scholarships, and House Renovation committees and representing the Association on the Crimson Club board. He has also been an active supporter of the David Eccles School of Business. Verhaaren is senior partner at The Boyer Company, and in connection with that responsibility, he has held several positions with the International Council of Shopping Centers.
The new members of the Alumni Association’s board are Todd Allen B.S. ‘91 M.D. ‘95, a doctor and hospital administrator with Intermountain Healthcare; Susan Bollinger B.A. ‘13, a brokers assistant with Merrill Lynch; Patricia Callahan MBA ‘86, a community activist; Kevin Curtis B.A. ‘86, director of business development for the O.C. Tanner Company; Rich Lambert B.A. ‘97, manager of the commercial loan department at Wells Fargo Bank; Jim Olson B.S. ‘92 M.S. ‘93, chief operating officer for Miller Sports Properties; Susan Porter B.S. ‘85 MSW ‘88, president and a psychotherapist with Counseling Service, PC; and Julie Thomas B.A. ‘88 J.D. ‘93, general counsel for the University of Utah.
The new presidents of the Alumni Association’s affiliated boards are TJ McMullin B.A. ‘11, Beehive Honor Society Board; Tony Middleton B.S. ‘63, Emeritus Alumni Board; Lacey Despain, Student Alumni Board; and Jamie Sorenson B.S. ‘05, Young Alumni Board. McMullin is a development specialist with the David Eccles School of Business and previously served as president of the MUSS Board, the association’s fifth affiliated board, in 2010-11. Middleton is a urologist and associate clinical professor at the University of Utah School of Medicine. Despain is majoring in strategic communications with a minor in business. Sorenson is a member of the bankruptcy, creditor’s rights and litigation practice groups of Ray Quinney & Nebeker P.C.
The Alumni Association is dedicated to forging and preserving lifelong relationships with alumni, students and the community. Founded in 1886, the Alumni Association now awards $500,000 in scholarships to deserving students each year, supports 17 national alumni chapters and nine international alumni clubs, offers comprehensive career resources and opportunities, coordinates The MUSS and more in support of the 250,000-plus alumni. Read more about membership, news and events at click here.