Jan. 27, 2013 — Associate chief of the U.S Forest Service and University of Utah alumna, Mary Wagner will explore the challenges of conservation at the Hinckley Institute of Politics, 260 S. Central Campus Dr., Friday, Jan. 31, 12:15 p.m. The lecture, sponsored by the Master of Public Administration program, is free and open to the public.
“In the American West, and especially along the Wasatch Front, national forests have an enormous impact on our economy, our recreational opportunities and our water supply,” said Dan McCool, director of Environmental and Sustainability Studies at the U. “We look forward to having a dialogue with Mary to enhance our collaboration and understanding.”
While on campus, Wagner will meet with students to discuss careers and topics of interest in the Forest Service. She will also take time to meet with local government and nonprofit groups to discuss environmental issues.
Since assuming the position of associate chief for the Forest Service in January 2011, Wagner has worked on a wide range of external and internal issues for the agency. With 28 years of experience in the Forest Service, her main priorities have involved connecting people to public lands through partnerships, restoration activities and connections with urban communities. Internally, she continues to work with the Forest Service leadership on finding ways to streamline and reduce agency operating costs while providing a progressive, modern workplace that more closely reflects the civilian labor workforce.
Wagner graduated from Humboldt State University with a degree in forest management and received a Master of Public Administration from the U.