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Professor Vincent Cheng Examines Global Human Rights at 4th Annual Confutati Conference

February 6, 2007 — Dr. Vincent Cheng, the Shirley Sutton Thomas Professor of English and former director of the Tanner Humanities Center at the University of Utah, will give the keynote address at the 4th annual Confutati Conference on Friday, February 9th at 3:00 p.m. in the Languages and Communication Building (LNCO) 1110 Auditorium. Professor Cheng will address issues of global human rights, nationalism and contemporary literature.

Sponsored by the University of Utah’s Department of Languages & Literature, Confutati is an Interdisciplinary Graduate Conference designed to give graduate students from throughout the mountain west the opportunity to present their research. Apart from the keynote address, there will be nine sessions from February 8th-10th that will cover a wide range of papers and presentations.

About Professor Cheng

Dr. Vincent J. Cheng is the recipient of numerous awards, including a Guggenheim Fellowship and fellowships from the NEH, the University of California Humanities Research Institute, and the Tanner Humanities Center. He is the author of several books and many scholarly articles. His book, Joyce, Race, and Empire (Cambridge UP, 1995), won a Phi Kappa Phi Book Award in 1996. His most recent book is titled, Inauthentic: the Anxiety over Culture and Identity (Rutgers UP, 2004).

About Confutati

The conference theme, Fragments of Vision and the Mosaic of Meaning, was chosen to include a variety of topics and themes, allowing presenters the opportunity to share their vision of literature and explore meaning in our textual heritage. During the 3-day conference, over 25 presenters from The University of Utah, Brigham Young University, The University of Colorado, and The University of Colorado-Boulder, will discuss topics such as Constructing Humanity in the Mosaic of Nature; Fragmented Empowerment: Blackness and Otherness in Postcolonial Literature; and Gender and Moral Transformation. For a full schedule of events please visit