August 25, 2008-New students beginning classes this week at the University of Utah will no longer have to wonder how to get involved with campus activities and traditions; instead it will all be spelled out for them on the pages of the new U Book. Each freshman will be given a copy of the new publication which encourages everyone to have fun and learn about the school.
The U Book was conceived by the University Alumni Association Student Alumni Board as a way to address the misperception that the U is a commuter campus. “A lot of students come to the U and don’t know how to get involved. Instead of freshman just looking at themselves as college students, we’re trying to make them into loyal University supporters,” said Brent Schmidt, student alumni board president.
The main focus of the U Book is the 50 University traditions it contains. These traditions range from events such as Homecoming, to visiting places on campus, to supporting Utah athletics. As Utah students and fans turn the pages of the U Book, they’ll also find information on student organizations, athletics, and cultural events that take place during the year.
Readers of the U Book are asked to complete a tradition by having someone take their photograph at an event or place, and then they are to paste it in their U Book. When 25 traditions are completed a white U Book commemorative pin is awarded. At 35 completed traditions, a red pin is awarded, and after completing 45 traditions participants receive a pure crimson medallion. Upon completion of all 50 traditions, students and fans will receive recognition at an annual Alumni Association event.
“We’ve needed something like the U Book for years,” says John Fackler, director of alumni relations and student alumni board advisor. “It is a great way to let students know right from the start all the U has to offer and to get them involved in all of the fun and interesting things that go on around campus,” All incoming freshman and transfer students will receive a free copy of the U Book as will members of the student MUSS fan club. Alumni and fans may purchase a U Book for $8 at the University Campus Store or online at