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Memorial Scheduled for Elizabeth R. Hayes Saturday October 6

From the Deseret Morning News, September 16, 2007:

Betty Hayes, founder of dance department at U., dies at 96

Elizabeth “Betty” Hayes, founder of the University of Utah’s modern dance department, died Sept. 7 in her sleep. She was 96.

Ms. Hayes taught dance at the U. for 48 years, most of that time as director and chairwoman of modern dance. She retired from the U. in June 1988.

She received numerous local and national awards throughout her lifetime and career, including the Honorary Alumnus Award from the U. in 1993. The U. also honored her in 1989 by naming the theater in the U.’s Marriott Center for Dance for her and William Christensen, founder of the U. ballet department.

Ms. Hayes was a charter member and president of the National Council of Dance Administrators and twice served as president of the National Dance Association.

She wrote four books on teaching dance and dance composition/production and also published, at age 93, “The Evolution of Visual, Literary and Performing Arts.”

A memorial is scheduled for 1 p.m. Oct. 6 in the Hayes Christensen Theatre on the University of Utah campus.

As she requested, her remains were cremated and will be scattered on the graves of her parents in Ithaca, N.Y.