Nov. 4, 2013 – The third longest government shutdown, estimated to have cost the economy $24 billion, is finally behind the country, but many wonder what can be done for the government to function more effectively in the future. The University of Utah’s S.J. Quinney College of Law hosts its Law Review Symposium, Friday, Nov. 8, to discuss just that.
Titled “Governing the United States in 2020,” the symposium features public officials, legal scholars and political scientists who will examine not just the current challenges facing United States governance but also focus on practical solutions to those problems. Jeff Bingaman, distinguished fellow at Stanford Law School and former U.S. senator, will deliver the keynote address.
“We aim to go beyond talking about problems to developing pragmatic solutions,” said Michael Teter, symposium organizer and associate professor of law at the U. “The participants bring a wide range of experiences and expertise and many have served or are serving in government. While some have grown so frustrated with how government functions that they have left, others have accepted the challenges and have sought to reform the institutions from within. The symposium will be insightful as it offers perspectives from all angles, leading to the most promising solutions.”
Teter will participate as a panelist along with faculty from DePaul, Yale, Harvard, Stanford and Santa Clara universities, New York University, University of North Carolina, University of California Los Angeles and Pomona College. Louis Fisher, scholar in residence at the Constitution Project, and Justice Christine M. Durham from the Utah Supreme Court will also participate.
The symposium is held Nov. 8 from 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., in the law building’s Sutherland Moot Courtroom, 332 S. 1400 East, Salt Lake City, and is free and open to the public.
The symposium will be broadcast live on ulaw.tv, but pre-registration is required for in-person attendance. To register, visit http://tiny.utah.edu/e506.
For lawyers, six hours of continuing legal education is offered. For more information, call 801-585-3479 or visit http://tiny.utah.edu/2440. Free parking will be available in the Rice-Eccles Stadium parking lot. The TRAX redline stadium stop is a half block south of the law building.