Sept. 8, 2010 — This year’s Homecoming Week offers something for every palette. Humanitarian efforts, festive fund-raising, comedy and athletics for the whole family prove that Homecoming at the University of Utah is “forever crimson.” Celebrations kick off September 18 with the Legacy of Lowell Annual Community Service Day and culminate September 25 with the Utah vs. San Jose State football game at 6 p.m. in Rice-Eccles Stadium. The week is filled with fun for students, alumni and other Ute fans (see below for a full schedule, or visit http://www.alumni.utah.edu/homecoming for more information).
This year’s Homecoming Week kickoff on Saturday is the largest-scale service event yet sponsored by the Lowell Bennion Community Service Center. The annual Legacy of Lowell Community Service Day will bring over 1,300 volunteers to one of more than 14 service sites throughout the community where they will assist in literacy tutoring, home repair projects for seniors, environmental restoration, food delivery, refugee site visits and assembling dental kits, among others. The event will be followed by a luncheon at Parkview Elementary.
The traditional house decorating competition on Greek Row and other campus locations will take place on Tuesday at noon. Decorated houses will be judged for originality and expression of this year’s Homecoming theme, “Forever Crimson.”
Wednesday evening, an Emeritus Reunion will give alumni who graduated from the U 40 or more years ago a musical buffet at Libby Gardner Hall with performances by faculty and staff at 6 p.m. followed by dinner at 7 p.m. Special guests are members of the class of 1970, the newest associates of the emeritus alumni.
On Thursday, singer/songwriter Kalai will perform at the Olpin Union plaza immediately following Songfest and the traditional Pep Rally where football coach Kyle Whittingham’s will give his annual pep talk complete with free food and appearances by the players, the marching band, cheerleaders and the U’s mascot, Swoop, the red-tailed hawk.
Friday is packed with fun events, starting with the fifth annual 18-hole Homecoming Scholarship Scramble golf tournament at Bonneville Golf Course, which benefits the Alumni Association’s Student Scholarship Fund.
This year’s Homecoming headliner, comedian Sinbad will perform Friday night at Kingsbury Hall. Ranked by Comedy Central as one of the top 100 stand up comedians of all time, Sinbad has kept audiences laughing in the aisles for more than two decades. From starring roles in film and TV to his highly-rated HBO and Comedy Central specials to performing for the troops with the USO, Sinbad’s comedy will delight U alumni.
Following the performance, the Homecoming dance will take place at the Rice-Eccles Stadium Tower on the University of Utah campus at 9 p.m. where students will dance the night away.
On Saturday, Homecoming day, runners of all ages will gather at the Alumni House, beginning at 8:30 a.m., for the ever popular 5K Run/Walk/Stroll, followed by the third annual Kids K Fun Run, guaranteeing a good time for the entire family. The event is organized by the Young Alumni Board to raise scholarship funds for students. Each year, prizes are awarded to participants in various categories, including fastest male/female runner, those wearing the most red and participants demonstrating the most school spirit.
Later that afternoon, a pre-game tailgate party and barbecue will be held on the Alumni House patio and surrounding lawn prior to the football game against San Jose State.
For more information or to reserve events on-line, visit www.alumni.utah.edu/homecoming or call 801-581-6995.
Saturday, Sept. 18
- Legacy of Lowell Annual Service Day
Parkview Elementary, 970 S. Emery (1170 West), 8 a.m.Continental breakfast and transportation to service sites provided.
Friends and students of the Bennion Center will volunteer at one of over 14 service sites, followed by lunch and reflection from 11:15 a.m. to noon.
Free and open to the public. RSVP by calling 801-581-4811. www.sa.utah.edu/bennion/LegacyofLowell.htm
Tuesday, Sept. 21
- House Decorating
Greek Row and other campus locations, noonSites on campus decorate their spaces. Info: 801-581-8061.
Wednesday, Sept. 22
- Emeritus Reunion
Libby Gardner Hall, 6 p.m.Enjoy musical performances from students and faculty followed by dinner. $25 per person. Reserve online at www.alumni.utah.edu/homecoming or call: 801-581-6995.
Thursday, Sept. 23
- Songfest and Pep Rally
Olpin Union Ballroom, 6 p.m., Union plaza, 8:30 p.m.Fraternities, sororities and other campus groups perform song-and-dance routines judged for their creativity and presentation, followed by a pep rally and performance by Kalai on the Union Plaza.
Open to the public. Free admission. Info: 801-581-6995.
Friday, Sept. 24 to Sunday, Sept. 26
- Parents and Family Weekend
Info: 801-585-1141, www.parents.utah.edu
Friday, Sept. 24
- Homecoming Scholarship Scramble
Bonneville Golf Course, 8 a.m.The fifth annual tourney at Bonneville Golf Course. Proceeds benefit the Scholarship Fund.
$150 per person/$600 per foursome.
Open to the public. Sign up online or call 801-581-6995, www.alumni.edu/golf
- Sinbad Show
Kingsbury Hall, 7 p.m.For ticket information, visit Kingsbury Hall online, www.kingsburyhall.org
- Homecoming Student Dance
The Rice-Eccles Stadium Tower, 9 p.m. to midnight.
Admission: $5. For tickets call 801-581-2788.
Saturday, September 25
- Young Alumni Scholarship 5K & Kids Run
Alumni House, 155 S. Central Campus Drive-7:30 a.m. walk-in registration.
-8:30 a.m. start, 5K: $25 adults, $22 faculty and staff, $18 students.
-9:15 a.m. start, Kids K: $12.Race proceeds benefit the Young Alumni Scholarship Fund.
Open to the public. Sign up online or call 801-581-6995, www.alumni.utah.edu/5krace
- Pre-Game Tailgate Party
Alumni House Patio, 155 S. Central Campus Drive, 4 p.m. Free parking at Alumni House.Admission: $15, $10 students under 18 and Alumni Association members.
Open to the public. Sign up on-line or call: 801-581-6995.
- Football Game: Utah vs. San Jose State
Rice-Eccles Stadium, 6 p.m.Open to the public. For tickets call 801-581-UTIX (8849) or www.utahtickets.com