(April 30, 2015) —A new survey released by the University of Utah’s Center for Public Policy & Administration shows the Utah.gov website is valuable to Utahns.
According to a new statewide survey, 75 percent of respondents used the site in the past year. Of those that used Utah.gov, 87 percent found the services valuable.Eighty five percent of Utahns indicated that access to state services via the website saves them time when conducting transactions and retrieving information, as opposed to phone, mail, or in-person methods.
Users of the site also expect the official state website to be the same or better than other e-commerce, news and consumer-focused websites in terms of speed of service, convenience and security.
“Overall, Utahns appear to utilize Utah.gov on a wide scale and are very pleased with the services it provides,” said Dianne Meppen, research associate with the Center for Public Policy & Administration, which is housed in the David Eccles School of Business.“These results show us that users of the site overwhelmingly deem it to be less of a hassle when needing to interact with government, and that the available digital services are very valuable.”
The data comes from a survey conducted by the Center for Public Policy & Administration and commissioned by NIC, a digital government service provider. Primary objectives of the research were to measure opinions and attitudes of residents regarding e-government services offered by the state of Utah.
To read the full release, click here.