March 29, 2004 — The University of Utah remembers the millions of victims of the Holocaust during its 20th annual Days of Remembrance activities, April 12-16. Events include speakers, readings, a workshop, and film screenings, and, except for the workshop, are free and open to the public. A calendar of events is listed below.
On April 12 and 14, films will be shown at the Olpin Union Theatre. On Monday, April 12, screenings include “Judgment at Nuremberg,” from 3 to 6:30 p.m., and “Divided We Fall,” from 7 to 9:30 p.m. On Wednesday, April 14, “The Pawnbroker” will be shown from 2 to 4 p.m., and “Europa Europa” will be shown from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.
Holocaust survivor Ruth Kluger, professor emerita of German literature at UC-Irvine, will offer a lecture, “Jewish Ghosts in Postwar Germany,” on Tuesday, April 13, at 7 p.m. in the Panorama East room in the Olpin Union. Kluger will also read from her award-winning autobiographical memoir, “Still Alive: A Holocaust Girlhood Remembered,” on Wednesday, April 14, at 7:30 p.m. at the I.J. and Jeanné Wagner Jewish Community Center. Born in Vienna, Kluger spent part of her youth in Theresienstadt and Birkenau-Auschwitz, and her book is an examination of growing up as a Jewish girl during the Holocaust and of cultural representations of the Holocaust.
The University is also offering a workshop with lecture, discussion, and film clips on the Holocaust by Ronald Smelser, U of U professor of history, from 1-5 p.m. on Wednesday, April 14, in the Mark Greene Auditorium of the Francis Armstrong Madsen Building. The workshop is part of History 3910/5910 and may be taken for one credit by registering through Academic Outreach and Continuing Education, 801-581-8969.
The keynote address, “Managing Genocide: Reinhard Heydrich and the SS Culture of Murder,” will be given by Charles Sydnor at 7 p.m. on Thursday, April 15, in the Gould Auditorium of the Marriott Library. Currently president and CEO of the Commonwealth Public Broadcasting Corporation in Virginia, Sydnor is historian, writer, documentary filmmaker, and expert witness in several Nazi trials. His lecture will focus on the life and career of SS General Reinhard Heydrich, who, as head of the agency charged with organizing and carrying out the murder of the European Jews, became the chief operating officer of the Holocaust.
On Friday, April 16, Sydnor will deliver a special address, “Nazi Perpetrators, American Courts, and the Legacy of the Holocaust: The View from the Witness Stand,” at 3 p.m. in the Lowell Durham Room of Carlson Hall. Sydnor will explore his preparation of materials and testimony in more than two dozen cases brought by the U.S. government against former SS guards and Nazi war criminals.
Holocaust Remembrance Day for Utah will be marked on April 16 by activities in the Capitol Rotunda at noon, including the governor’s proclamation. For more information, call Teresa Bruce at the Jewish Federation of Utah at 801-581-0102. This year, national Holocaust Remembrance Day is April 18.
On the University campus, yellow cloth stars will be distributed to faculty, staff, and students to commemorate the identity badges that have been imposed on Jews throughout history. In Nazi-occupied Denmark, the yellow, six-pointed star was never introduced because King Christian X threatened to wear it himself. In 1942, the Dutch underground produced 300,000 replicas of the badge inscribed with the motto, “Jews and non-Jews stand united in their struggle.” Many Dutch citizens wore these in defiance of the Nazis. The cloth stars distributed on campus carry a similar message.
All events (except for the workshop taken for credit) are free and open to the public. This release is also posted at www.utah.edu/unews with a downloadable photo. A calendar of events is listed below and also available at www.diversity.utah.edu. For more information, please call 801-581-7569.
The University of Utah
20th Annual Days of Remembrance
Commemorating Victims of the Holocaust
The University of Utah remembers the millions of victims of the Holocaust during its 20th annual Days of Remembrance commemoration in April 2004. The events coincide with the national Holocaust Remembrance Day on April 18 and include a keynote address, workshop, and film screenings. For event details, visit www.diversity.utah.edu and select “Annual Events.”
Jude Stars
Jude Stars are available from the Office of the Associate Vice President for Diversity, 204 Park Building, 801-581-7569. On campus, yellow cloth stars will be distributed to faculty, staff, and students to commemorate the identity badges that have been imposed on Jews throughout history. In Nazi-occupied Denmark, the yellow, six-pointed star was never introduced because King Christian X threatened to wear it himself. In 1942 the Dutch underground produced 300,000 replicas of the badge inscribed with the motto, “Jews and non-Jews stand united in their struggle.” Many Dutch citizens wore the replicas in defiance of the Nazis. The cloth stars distributed on campus carry a similar message.
Remembrance Films
Monday, April 12, Olpin Union Theatre
“Judgment at Nuremburg,” 3 p.m.
“Divided We Fall,” 7 p.m.
Lecture: Ruth Kluger
Tuesday, April 13, 7 p.m., Panorama East, Olpin Union
“Jewish Ghosts in Postwar Germany”
Holocaust survivor Ruth Kluger is professor emerita of German literature at UC-Irvine.
Workshop: History 3910/5910
Wednesday, April 14, 1-5 p.m., Greene Hall, FAMB
The University of Utah offers a workshop with lecture, discussion, and film clips on the Holocaust by Ronald M. Smelser, professor of history. The workshop may be taken for one credit by registering through Academic Outreach and Continuing Education, 801-581-8969.
Remembrance Films
Wednesday, April 14, Olpin Union Theatre
“The Pawnbroker,” 2 p.m.
“Europa Europa,” 4:30 p.m.
Reading: Ruth Kluger
Wednesday, April 14, 7:30 p.m., I.J. and Jeanné Wagner Jewish Community Center
Holocaust survivor Ruth Kluger will read from her book, “Still Alive: A Holocaust Girlhood Remembered”
Keynote Address: Charles Sydnor
Thursday, April 15, 7 p.m., Gould Auditorium, Marriott Library
“Managing Genocide: Reinhard Heydrich & the SS Culture of Murder”
Currently president and CEO of the Commonwealth Public Broadcasting Corporation in Virginia, Sydnor is historian, writer, documentary filmmaker, and expert witness in several Nazi trials.
Holocaust Remembrance Day
Friday, April 16, Noon, Utah State Capitol Rotunda
Holocaust Remembrance Day will be marked by the governor’s proclamation. For more information, call Teresa Bruce at the Jewish Federation of Utah at 801-581-0102.
Special Address: Charles Sydnor
Friday, April 16, 3 p.m., Lowell Durham Room, Carlson Hall
“Nazi Perpetrators: American Courts, and the Legacy of the Holocaust: The View from the Witness Stand”
All events (except for the workshop taken for credit) are free and open to the public. For more information, visit www.diversity.utah.edu and select “Annual Events” or call 801-581-7569.