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U of U Professor Awarded Prestigious Faculty Scholarship


Last week Peter Maramaldi, assistant professor at the University of Utah Graduate School of Social Work, was named as one of ten national Hartford Geriatric Social Work Faculty Scholars. The scholars will participate in institutes to further their research and will be paired with a National Research Mentor and a school-based sponsor who will support their professional leadership and research career development. Additionally, over the next two years, each of the scholars will receive $100,000 to improve the well being of older adults by strengthening geriatric social work.

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Cooperation and Compassion Instill Good Karma in Kunga House


Finishing touches are being added to the Kunga House. Workers are laying carpet, painting floors and landscaping the yard-all in anticipation of a grand celebration, a “house warming,” to be held onsite, Saturday, Apr. 12, at noon. Members of the media and those who have worked on the extraordinary project are invited to attend. The Kunga House is located at 64 Andrew Avenue (1500 South), between West Temple and Main Street.

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Weather Prediction Workshop on Thurs. Nov. 7


About 115 forecasters, research meteorologists and other weather specialists are expected to attend the Ninth Annual Workshop on Weather Prediction in the Intermountain West, to be held Thurs. Nov. 7 at the University of Utah.

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A New Way to Find Planets Around Stars


Young stars are surrounded by a thin, swirling cloud of gas and dust that may be the birthplace of planets. New computer calculations reveal that a newborn planet signals its presence by a clear, sharp ring of cold dust. Such rings are seen around many nearby stars.

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‘The Future of Spacetime’


Albert Einstein overturned commonsense notions of our universe in 1905 when he published his Special Theory of Relativity, which proposed that space and time are not absolute. The theory means that for an observer traveling near the speed of light, time moves more slowly and distances appear to contract. In his 1916 General Theory of Relativity, Einstein went further, proposing that gravity warps or curves space and time.

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Let Your Fingers Do the Driving


If drivers are yakking on cell phones and don’t hear spoken instructions to turn left or right from a passenger or navigation system, they still can get directions from devices that are mounted on the steering wheel and pull skin on the driver’s index fingertips left or right, a University of Utah study found.

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